It is with great pleasure that we congratulate 3 recent adoptions of our wonderful Hug-a-Bunnies! Daphne, Rock, and Echo all came to Hug-a-Bunny to escape uncertain pasts and were given a safe haven to recuperate and live while they were looking for loving, wonderful homes. While all of them came from different pasts, have very different life histories, and spent different amounts of time with us, each was abandoned and neglected and found their way into the Hug-a-Bunny family. We are so happy for Daphne, Rock, and Echo in their new homes!

Daphne came to Hug-a-Bunny after being abandoned at a local county shelter. She was thought to be a male and came in with a big abscess on her cheek, which was taken care of. After living at the shelter and not being out of her cage for 5 straight months, Daphne felt threatened and upset when a strange person stuck their hand in her cage and startled her. Daphne defended herself by lunging forward, which was considered by the shelter staff as an aggressive act. After this incident, we knew Daphne was on borrowed time and pulled her out of the shelter immediately to get her out of harm's way. Immediately in my home, Daphne began using her litterbox, calmed down, and started acting like the lady that she is. She was so relieved to be out of the shelter setting that her personality completely changed and she was able to let her true self show. Daphne was so sick of being called a boy...and wanted everyone to know that she's a true lady! She is an elderly woman, at around 5 years old, and matched with her unhappy personality was not very desirable for adoption at the shelter. However, in my foster home Daphne proved to be a wise and happy soul and had a gift for making other rabbits happy as well. She would even follow me around for attention! What a special girl!
After living in foster care with me for a few weeks, Daphne showed a complete turn-around from how she acted at the shelter. She loved attention, loved being kissed, and would sit for hours to get her head rubbed. Eventually, Daphne moved to a new foster home where she could have more room. To get to the new foster home, Daphne made the trek to Delaware, to be fostered by the amazing Donna, who is the adoptive mother of our past Hug-a-Bunny Lincoln. Donna has a gift for shy and abused animals. After spending a few days in this foster home, it became apparent that Daphne loved Donna, and that the feeling was mutual! After just a few days, Daphne's calm demeanor (and amazing litterbox skills) allowed her to permanently roam her home freely and she could go wherever she wanted! Soon after, Donna emailed saying Daphne fit in so well with her two single male rabbits and her cat that she couldn't imagine letting her go. So, Daphne's foster home became her adoptive home! Daphne has since inspired the other males (elderly lop Buck and our man Lincoln) who never got along previously, to all play together nicely! Her favorite activity is snuggling with Donna on the couch and making herself right at home. We couldn't be happier for Daphne in her new home and we know she has found a place where she can live happily for the rest of her life. She brings joy to her new parents and furry siblings. After all she's been through, she deserves it!
We originally met Rock in 2006 when he showed up as a stray in our local county shelter. Rock immediately showed his personality as a happy and independent guy. It became clear that Rock would need a free roam type setting where he could have tons of time to roam and relax. he hated being confined in small areas. Luckily, Rock joined our rescue and shortly after met his match and was adopted in November of 2006 by a nice guy who became his companion for the next three years. Rock (who was renamed Butters) loved laying under the bed, relaxing all flattened out, and of course eating a delicious meal. Recently, we got an email that Rock would be coming back to us (it states in our contract that all Hug-a-Bunnies must be returned if they can no longer be cared for) since his owner was taking a new job which required him to move. Sadly, Rock lost his home and came back into foster care.
It had been three years since I had seen Rock and he looked and acted just the same! He was still eager to explore and wander and still didn't love being petted or held but would tolerate it, just as I had remembered. Rock wanted to socialize with you on his terms! He still remained amazing with his litterbox habits! Despite this laid back independent personality, Rock is also stunningly handsome. He has a face that no one can resist and long beautiful lop ears. We knew we would have to find a home that loved Rock for who he is, would give him enough room to explore, and who would offer him a loving "forever home." After a few weeks of living in my home, Rock moved to another foster home where he had more room to move around. He did great at this foster home and connected with his new foster parents immediately! He even let them pet him and seemed to really enjoy the attention! Just like we were hoping, a week later an amazing home came along! Rock joined Claudia in her home and is now a free roam rabbit! He has free reign to explore, relax, and be himself. Claudia is a very patient person who loves Rock for who he is. Rock is so lucky to have found this loving, amazing home. We couldn't be happier for Rock in his new home!

Echo has been one of our all-time longest fosters and has a story that can be matched by no other. In April of 2008, we were alerted to a rescue effort, where a backyard breeder in Egg Harbor Township, NJ was caught mistreating and neglecting 57 rabbits in his backyard. The rabbits were all living in dumpster-like creations, with crowded conditions and with little to no food or water. Many news stations were covering this on the news and all of the rabbits were seized from the location. Luckily, many rescues and shelters stepped forward to save these rabbits and none of them had to be put to sleep. We happily took in 4 rabbits from this rescue effort. Sadly, Forest died shortly after coming into our rescue. Bryce (who had one ear, one eye, and half a nose) and Sundance (now Pickle) were both fostered for many months and found loving, wonderful homes! Echo, who was the friendliest of them all, remained in foster care for over a year and a half. Out of all of the rabbits we took in from this rescue effort, Echo was in the worst shape, but was the friendliest. He had sores on his body, was painfully thin, and had (and still has) a crooked ear- likely due to muscle damage from being lifted by his ears. While the sores faded and Echo quickly put on weight, his ear will always tilt as a result to the trauma. Still, through it all, Echo remained trusting of people and one of the friendliest rabbits that has ever come through our doors. What an incredible spirit!
After joining the Hug-a-Bunny family, Echo lived with Frannie for a while, then came to live with me for many months. He was such a happy boy living in foster care! When another Hug-a-Bunny was adopted, Echo "hopped" on the chance to go live at foster mom Judy's house, where he had tons of room to roam and lots of attention, which he loved! Judy said that Echo (even after all he's been through) is one of the friendliest, happiest rabbits she has ever met, and offered Echo a place to live for as long as he needed it. He took her up on that offer, and lived at Judy's for almost a year!
Now, Echo doesn't need to live at Judy's anymore. While there is no doubt that they will both miss one another, Echo's "forever family" finally came along! Echo's new family adopted our Pumpernickel (Nikki) from us in 2007 and gave her an amazing home for two years. Sadly, Nikki passed away last month, leaving a huge hole in her place. Nikki had a dynamic personality, and I knew that this family would need another rabbit with an incredible disposition. Echo was the perfect fit for this family! While he filled a void in their hearts, they were able to provide Echo with an incredible "forever home!" Sounds like a match made in heaven! Echo joined their family soon after. The family says that Echo has brought so much joy into their lives and has made them smile again. Echo's new human brother, Andrew, takes amazing care of him and treats him like a member of a family. Most impressively, Echo lives in a huge 3-story rabbit abode and has tons of time out of his cage every day. He is relaxed and happy in his new home. We couldn't be happier for Echo's new family, and of course for Echo himself. What a perfect ending to Echo's story!
We can't say it enough how happy we are for these three wonderful rabbits! We wish them much happiness in their new "forever homes" and can't wait to her updates as they continue to become more comfortable in their new homes!