Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Ask Button #5

Dear Button,

Sometimes I find that when I put my hand into my rabbit's cage too quickly, he gets startled and his posture changes. Sometimes I wonder if I am trespassing in his space. How do you like people to approach you when you're in your cage? This may help me make my rabbit happier when I am putting my hands in his cage.

By the way, I think you are very handsome...love the ears!

Lagomorph Lover 
New York, NY

Dear Lagomorph Lover,

Why thank you on your compliments! When I was first rescued by my mom, my fur was completely matted. While I'm nearly blind and can't see my reflection in the mirror, I hear that I am very handsome. My helicopter ears always get comments from people. I'm sure your rabbit is as good looking as I am! 

Your question is very thoughtful. How wonderful for you to be paying attention to the body language of your rabbit. It's true, rabbits don't love it when people shove their hands into their space. Please keep in mind, we lagomorphs (rabbits) are prey animals. We are always worrying about people hurting us and we're always watching out for predators. While we know as our owner you love and respect us, we still can get alarmed when hands enter our cage quickly! The worst is when people start to rearrange our things while we're right there! I always tell people that when someone touches our things, it would be equivalent to someone coming into your bedroom and moving things around! I know you wouldn't like that very much! It's no wonder that you see your rabbit's body posture and ear positioning change when you do this. 

Personally, I love to be approached by my mom talking to me before she touches me. This way, I know it's her and I'm more comfortable. Then, I like it when she pets my head to let me know it's ok. My mom always keeps her hand on my head while she moves my bowl or rearranges my things. For some reason, this helps me and all of my fellow rabbits feel more comfortable and secure. 

It may sound silly, but I do not like fast movement or hands around my mouth. As soon as I sense hands underneath my chin or closer to my mouth, I tend to "box" at them to try to get them out of my way. I don't mean to lunge at people, but I do get very defensive of my home and this is the only way I know to defend my space. I've spoken to many other rabbits, and they all seem to agree that this isn't the best way to approach us.

In all situations, we like to be respected and given the space we need to feel comfortable. 

Please write back with more questions! I LOVE getting mail! 

Love your Hug-a-Bunny friend,

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