Hug-a-Bunny Rabbit Rescue is a 501(c)(3) organization in Northern, New Jersey that rescues, rehabilitates, and re-homes rabbits in need.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Poppy's Journey
Poppy has been with us almost a week and we're still piecing together the puzzle. We do not know how or when she was injured. We are trying to get Poppy into a routine that will help her live a happy and "normal" life! Despite all she has been through, Poppy is as sweet as can be! She is a big licker and loves to be around people and other animals!
Poppy's amazing spirit could inspire anyone.
Poppy hanging out in the morning wit her new friend Jaffa.
Poppy's X-ray- the fracture is on the dorsal process of the vertebrae between l3 and l4.
Here's Poppy scooting! Poppy's wheelchair cart should be arriving this week, but we will use it slowly due to the fracture in Poppy's spine.
"Little Guy"
UPDATE: We are so sad to report that the situation with this little guy was MUCH worse than expected. As soon as Lisa picked him up out of the box, she smelled a rotting smell and saw maggots that he had left behind below him. We both immediately rushed to an emergency hospital where the doctor uncovered just what kind of shape this little guy was in. This picture was taken right after his initial exam. H...e only weighed 1.8 pounds (should be a 6 pound rabbit), had pneumonia, incredibly long nails, ear mites and crust all the way down his ear canal and over his eyelids, was dehydrated, had severely labored breathing, could not even lift his head, and in GI stasis. However, the WORST part was that he was covered in maggots, likely from being kept in a small cage (probably outdoors) where flies could easily get to him and lay eggs on him. The maggots were tiny and were all over this little guy's private area. They had infested and infected him so badly that he had infections inside his body and he became neurologically impaired. We were willing to try anything and everything to help with sweet little guy, unfortunately by the time he was found last night by a sweet family, it was too late and there was nothing we could do to save him. We peacefully let him go. THIS is the face of domestic rabbits who are released by people. THIS is the face of neglect and cruelty. You cannot lose that much weight overnight. THIS is the rabbit that is bought on a whim and when people don't want them anymore, they release them to the wild. He simply could not survive outdoors. If he hadn't been rescued by this family, he would have died outdoors- cold, wet, and sick. We are thankful that this family did NOT listen to their shelter (who does not typically have rabbits and told them to release him) and that they contacted us to help. We are deeply saddened that this little guy did not have a chance to be in a safe home where people love and cherish him, but we are happy that he knew love in the last moments he had in this life. ♥
ORIGINAL POST (from 5/2/12): We got 4 emails for surrenders just TODAY! Post-Easter is in full effect...people moving, allergic, no time...the excuses go on and on. The most heartbreaking and urgent was from a family who spotted a domestic lop rabbit in the bushes by their work. Soaking wet from the rain- this poor rabbit could hardly move. They took the rabbit home and were told by their local shelter to LET him/her go (a wh...ole other issue). Thankfully, they knew better and contacted us. It sounds like the rabbit may be injured or sick, and is likely in GI stasis. Our amazing rescuer and foster mom Lisa jumped into action and is on her way to pick up this rabbit now. We hope that with medical attention, forcefeeding, and a safe place to recover, he/she will be ok. Our rescue is always operating at capacity, but we cannot turn our backs on this rabbit. We will post more information and a picture as soon as we can. Releasing domestic rabbits is NOT a way to find them a new home- it is a death trap.
Welcome Poppy!
a close look at this face, read on, and you'll know exactly why rabbits
aren't a good pet for kids and why we're so strict with our adoption
policies. Aside from the fact that they are prey animals and scared of
loud noises and fast movements, children do NOT know how to properly
care for rabbits on their own. So often we see this happen, but we don't
always have the opportunity to share the ...faces
behind the stories...since often it's too late. Welcome Poppy to
Hug-a-Bunny. Rescued just in time with her daughter Pippen from a home
where they were owned by a high school student. Both are disabled and
NEITHER got medical care...because the girl's parents refused to spend
money on them or take them to a vet (this situation is being
investigated). Thankfully, she reached out through the internet to find
someone who could care for these two rabbits, which was seen by one of
our foster moms. There was a third rabbit (another baby) who was "given
away" before we got there. Poppy is an adult female who is paralyzed
from her waist down! The x-rays we had taken just hours after rescuing
her show a fracture in her spine and a missing disk! Poppy has no muscle
tone in her hind legs, leading us to believe that this is not a new
injury. While we may never know the true story, we are focusing on the
future and making life as good as possible for Poppy. She can scoot
around and has such a wonderful personality. We think that Poppy is
about 2 years old, and we have no idea how long she has lived like this.
Poppy's cart has already been ordered and is on it's way (she was only
rescued yesterday...we move fast!) and she's getting comfortable in her
new foster home. We have no doubt that Poppy will find a perfect
"forever home" in time...she most definitely deserves it! Welcome to the
rescue Poppy...we promise you'll never have to worry about your safety again!
Welcome Pippen!
Have you ever wondered why rabbits aren't a good pet for kids and why we're so strict with our adoption policies? Aside from the fact that they are prey animals and scared of loud noises and fast movements, children do NOT know how to properly care for rabbits on their own. So often we see this happen, but we don't always have the opportunity to share the faces behind the stories...since often it'...s too late. Welcome Pippen to Hug-a-Bunny. Rescued just in time with her mom Poppy from a home where they were owned by a high school student. Both are disabled and NEITHER got medical care...because the girl's parents refused to spend money on them or take them to a vet (this situation is being investigated). Thankfully, she reached out through the internet to find someone who could care for these two rabbits, which was seen by one of our foster moms. Pippen is a young female missing BOTH ears and half of her foot. She has no idea that she's missing a few body parts! She's spunky, sweet, and loving! We think that Pippen is about 3 months old- she has a whole life ahead of her! Welcome to the rescue Pippen...we promise you'll never have to worry again!
Congratulations Stone!
Congratulations to our amazing boy Stone on finding his "forever home" with two very special people! After waiting just under two years, Stone finally is getting the family he deserves! It just goes to show you that good things do come to those who wait!
We could not be happier for him! ♥
Here's Stone with his new parents Nicole & Ibrahim!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
News Channel 12!!!!!
Hug-a-Bunny Co-Founders and Co-Directors Jamie & Frannie were invited (by past adopter and News Channel 12 star Michele) to be on a segment on News Channel 12 about why people should NOT buy rabbits as Easter gifts! We hope that this segment will educate people about rabbits, care, behavior, and ADOPTION!!! Hug-a-Bunny adoptable rabbits Levi and Sky joined us on the air- they were amazing!!!! Dr. Doolen, one of our amazing vets, taped a segment to follow ours about nutrition and care. The show will be airing this weekend, 3/24 and 3/25 at 8:30 am, 11 am, 12:30 pm, 2 pm, & 4 pm. We'll also have it posted on our website soon! TUNE IN!! ♥
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Adoption Update: Ella
You may be wondering what happens to a Hug-a-Bunny Alumni after they leave our foster program and enter their new home. We often get update emails, telling us how amazing our rabbits are and how they are JUST as we described them! Ella (a beautiful Flemish Giant adopted in March 2008) originally came from a horrible abandoned farm. We called this "The Sterling Rescue of 2007" and helped many rabbits and a turkey get out of a horrible situation. Ella was adopted by an amazing family! Her mom, Stephanie, found all of the things Ella loves best, which includes sitting under her favorite table and playing with toys! It's always nice to hear updates on how amazing our former Hug-a-Bunnies are doing...and even better to SEE them! Stephanie was nice enough to send over this video of Ella. You can't help but crack up as you watch her!
After living in NYC for several years, about a year ago Stephanie, her husband, and Ella moved to California! Ella was so brave on the flight (she was in the cabin with her mom of course) and had a tough time settling in. She's definitely our farthest Hug-a-Bunny now! Stephanie recently sent us another email to update us on Ella's adventures in California.
Hi Jamie!
I wanted to give you an update on Ella. The initial few months after moving to CA were really hard on her. We were so worried. We eventually found an amazing vet that really helped us. We bought a place with a shared backyard and she absolutely loves it. She's obviously getting old and slower, but it's so great to see her so happy. I pasted a picture below of her enjoying he backyard. Thanks again for all that you guys do for these cute little buns - they're so lucky to have you guys.
(Note: We typically do not like our rabbits going outdoors, even for playtime, but Ella's mom Stephanie has made her setup VERY safe and rabbit-friendly!)
Friday, March 9, 2012
"Animal Friends in Need" Event
Join us for an amazing event on April 16th to benefit Hug-a-Bunny and 3 other amazing rescue groups! Special guest Caroline Manzo from the Real Housewives of NJ will be there as well! It will be an amazing event with great people.
Click here for the Patch article about the event!
Monday, March 5, 2012
Our Website.....
SO...since 2007 (soon after we started the rescue) we've owned a domain name that we purchased to use for our future rescue website. In the 5 years since we've had the domain name, we've been pretty much consumed with rescuing rabbits and sadly the website has always been at the bottom of our "to do" list. We figured that we'd settle for our Petfinder site, which was great, but not exactly what we had envisioned. Well, due to one of our amazing, kind, and generous supporters, Anthony, we finally have the WEBSITE we've dreamed of!!!! Please visit us at to check it out!

A HUGE thanks to Anthony for donating his time and energy to help us and our rescued rabbits. We cannot thank you enough and couldn't have done it without you!
Best Friends Newsletter
Scroll down on the most recent Best Friends Newsletter to see if you recognize a familiar face. Hint: It's a Hug-a-Bunny!!!! Look at sweet Junie in a NATIONALLY-spread e-newsletter! Way to get some press Junie!
Get Well Sprinkles!!!
Sweet Sprinkles has been an adoptable Hug-a-Bunny for as far back as we can remember! We rescued Sprinkles shortly after starting Hug-a-Bunny about 6 years ago. She was anywhere from 2-4 when we rescued her, making her an elderly lady now. She's lived in a few foster homes and has always been the best and most polite girl. It's a wonder to us how she never got adopted, but for one reason or another she was always overlooked. While she's been living with us, she's been treated like our family member and has always thought she was a queen! Sprinkles is getting a little older now and over the past few months lost sight in her right eye with some minor swelling to the eye. We've seen eyes like this before, so after seeing the vet, we opted against surgery hoping it would stay the same. However, within the last few weeks, this eye got bigger and bigger, and against our hopes, it was badly infected and filled with a fungus! Just yesterday (March 4th) Sprinkles had to go in for surgery to clear out the infection and close up the eye (with a few other stomach-turning details). Sprinkles is home and recovering well. Let's all send our best wishes to Sprinkles on a speedy recovery! After the physical recovery, Sprinkles will have to continue to learn how to maneuver with only one eye. She is definitely one tough chick!
Sprinkles recovering in her foster home tonight
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Is your rabbit eating??? One of the most important things I tell people about rabbit health is that they should always be on the lookout for...
Hug-a-Bunny Co-Founders and Co-Directors Jamie & Frannie were invited (by past adopter and News Channel 12 star Michele) to be on a se...